Droit à la gorge - Assassin's Creed - Carte Magic the Gathering

Droit à la gorge
(Go for the Throat)

Droit à la gorge
(Go for the Throat)

Poussée fatale
Fiole de ciguë

Indice de popularité :

Nom :

Droit à la gorge

Coût :

CCM : 2

Type / sous-type :
Rareté :


Texte :
Détruisez une créature non-artefact ciblée.

La lame du Ratonhnhaké:ton atteignit sa cible, mettant un point final à la lutte acharnée entre père et fils.

Illustrateur :  Torgeir Fjereide

Numéro de collection : ACR 205/307

Date de sortie : 05/07/2024

Liens externes :  


Assassin's Creed

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Autorisations en tournois :



Go for the Throat


Destroy target nonartifact creature.

Ratonhnhaké:ton's blade found its mark, putting an end to the desperate struggle between father and son.

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Le Dark Mogwaï

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The last ability of Queen Marchesa (long may she reign) checks to see if an opponent is the monarch as your upkeep begins. If no opponent is the monarch, Queen Marchesa's (long may she reign) ability won't trigger at all. Queen Marchesa's (long may she reign) ability will also check to see if an opponent is the monarch as it tries to resolve. If no opponent is the monarch at that time, Queen Marchesa's (long may she reign) ability will have no effect.
— Perle de l'Oracle, Reine Marchesa

Proposé par Patmol25 le 06/12/2023

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