Brian Hacker Bio (Brian Hacker Bio) - Magic the Gathering

Brian Hacker Bio

Brian Hacker Bio

Nom :
Brian Hacker Bio
Coût :

Type / sous-type :
Rareté :

Texte :
Twenty-three-year-old professional Magic® player Brian Hacker of San Diego, California, thought he had a good chance of winning the finals with his white weenie deck. Hacker said his deck was well set up to defeat his opponents with its twenty-something aggressive creatures—including a number of shadow and en-Kor creatures. Unlike traditional white weenie decks, which rely on Armageddon as a major threat card, Hacker's deck uses Cataclysm, which he feels better complements the use of Empyrial Armor.

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Indice de popularité :


World Championship Decks 1998 #bh0a 12/08/1998

Autorisations en tournois

Duel Commander
Liens externes
Gatherer  |  Scryfall  |  Moxfield

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