Plasme primordial - L'invasion des machines - Carte Magic the Gathering

Plasme primordial
(Primordial Plasm) — Face b

Plasme primordial
(Primordial Plasm) — Face b

Régisaure belligérant
Déferlement de la ligne ley

Indice de popularité :

Nom :

Plasme primordial

Type / sous-type :
Créature : limon
Rareté :


Texte :
Au début du combat pendant votre tour, une autre créature ciblée gagne +2/+2 et perd toutes ses capacités jusqu'à la fin du tour.

Avant que le cycle de la vie ne se sépare en prédateurs et proies, seule existait une faim sans forme.

Force / Endurance: 4/4

Illustrateur :  Adam Paquette

Numéro de collection : MOM 192

Date de sortie : 21/04/2023

Liens externes :  


L'invasion des machines

Autorisations en tournois :



Primordial Plasm

Creature — Ooze

At the beginning of combat on your turn, another target creature gets +2/+2 and loses all abilities until end of turn.

Before the tree of life branched into predators and prey, there was only shapeless hunger.

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To collect them is my real test,
To win with 'em is my cause.
I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
For Magic cards to understand
The power that's inside

Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
Its you 'gainst me
I know its our destiny
All of 'em, I have to beat
In a world I must defeat
Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
With a deck so true
My talent will pull me through
Mess with me and I'll teach you
Ma-gic ca~rds,
gotta get 'em all

Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Gotta go, the time is right
There's no better pack
One-on-One I'll win the fight
With my last attack

Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
Its you 'gainst me
I know its our destiny.
All of 'em, I have to beat
In a world I must defeat
Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
With a deck so true
My talent will pull me through
Mess with me and I'll teach you
Ma-gic ca~rds,
gotta get 'em all x2

Magic cards!

—Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all), in les Grands Classiques du Multivers, édition collector

Proposé par falcon_crest le 31/12/2013

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Dans quelle communauté faut-il piocher pour recruter de bons assassins ?

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