Lestegriffe d'Oreskos - Magic 2015 - Carte Magic the Gathering

Lestegriffe d'Oreskos
(Oreskos Swiftclaw)

Lestegriffe d'Oreskos
(Oreskos Swiftclaw)

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Indice de popularité :


Acheter sur Magic Corporation

Nom :

Lestegriffe d'Oreskos

Coût :

CCM : 2

Type / sous-type :
Créature : chat et guerrier
Rareté :


Texte :
Après la Bataille du pont de Pharagax, la Championne resta des mois chez les léonins d'Oreskos. Elle découvrit qu'ils prenaient rapidement ombrage, non pas parce qu'ils étaient susceptibles, mais parce qu'ils cherchaient toujours une excuse pour se battre.
La Thériade

Force / Endurance: 3/1

Illustrateur :  James Ryman

Numéro de collection : M15 22/269

Date de sortie : 18/07/2014

Liens externes :  


Magic 2015

Autorisations en tournois :



Oreskos Swiftclaw

Creature — Cat Warrior

After the Battle of Pharagax Bridge, the Champion spent many months among the leonin of Oreskos. She found that they were quick to take offense, not because they were thin-skinned, but because they were always eager to fight.
The Theriad

Titre :
Oreskos est le royaume des léonins de Théros, dirigé par Brimaz, roi d'Oreskos.

Incursion dans Nyx - 02/05/2014

Édition de base 2019 - 13/07/2018

Mystery Booster - 11/11/2019

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

Rain of tears, rain of daggers on my face
It hasn't stopped raining for days
My world is a flood
Slowly I become one with the mudhole

But if I can't swim after forty days
And my mind stone is crushed by the thrashing waves of aggression
Lift me up so high that I cannot fall
Lift me up
Lift me up - when I'm falling
Lift me up - I'm weak and I'm dying
Lift me up - I need you to hold me
Lift me up - Keep me from drowning again

Downpour on my soul of zendikar
Splashing in the ocean, I'm losing mind control
Dark withering sky all around
I can't feel my feet touching the ground rift

But if I can't swim after forty days
And my mind stone is crushed by the thrashing waves of aggression
Lift me up so high that I cannot fall
Lift me up
Lift me up - when I'm falling
Lift me up - I'm weak and I'm dying
Lift me up - I need you to hold me
Lift me up - Keep me from drowning again

Calm the dragonstorms that drench my eyes
Dry the wandering streams still flowing
Cast down all the waves of sin
And guilt that overthrow me

But if I can't swim after forty days
And my mind stone is crushed by the thrashing waves of aggression
Lift me up so high that I cannot fall
Lift me up
Lift me up - when I'm falling
Lift me up - I'm weak and I'm dying
Lift me up - I need you to hold me
Lift me up - Keep me from drowning again

Lift me up - when I'm falling
Lift me up - I'm weak and I'm dying
Lift me up - I need you to hold me
Lift me up - Keep me from drowning again

---The Flood, Memory Jar of Clay Pigeon

Proposé par Ximatt le 17/08/2018

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