Liliana Vess - Secret Lair Drop Series - Carte Magic the Gathering

Liliana Vess

Liliana Vess

Jace Beleren
Chandra Nalaàr

Indice de popularité :

Nom :

Liliana Vess

Coût :

CCM : 5

Type / sous-type :
Planeswalker légendaire : Liliana
Rareté :

Rare mythique

Texte :
: Le joueur ciblé se défausse d'une carte.

: Cherchez une carte dans votre bibliothèque, puis mélangez et mettez cette carte au-dessus.

: Mettez sur le champ de bataille, sous votre contrôle, toutes les cartes de créature de tous les cimetières.

Loyauté: 5

Illustrateur :  Aleksi Briclot

Numéro de collection : SLD 1455/32

Date de sortie : 02/12/2019

Liens externes :  


Secret Lair Drop Series

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Autorisations en tournois :



Liliana Vess

Legendary Planeswalker — Liliana

: Target player discards a card.

: Search your library for a card, then shuffle and put that card on top.

: Put all creature cards from all graveyards onto the battlefield under your control.

Nom :
Cette carte est la première incarnation de l'arpenteuse Liliana. Liliana est une sorcière jeune en apparence, âgée de plus d'un siècle en réalité, qui a passé un pacte avec de puissants seigneurs démons, dont un nommé Kotophed. Elle prend plaisir à se jouer de ses maîtres, mais cela risque fort de lui attirer des ennuis...

Sa 2° capacité est un vampiric tutor sans la perte de points de vie.

Pour en savoir plus :
la page de Liliana sur

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Down in the vaults of the men who are gone
Elspeth would rest with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most

Born with the spark on an invaded plane,
She saw all her beloved been slain
She planeswalked away to seek a peaceful place
To forget all her sorrow and pain

And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave

Called as the hero she did not want to be
She still raised to protect her new home
On Bant, Mirrodin then Theros she fought
'Til her glorious fate and her fall

And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave

And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave.

Down in the vaults of the men who are gone
Elspeth would rest with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most

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