Final Fantasy - Magic the Gathering

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy

Date de sortie : 13/06/2025

Type d'édition : Univers infini

Autorisations :


Les seize jeux principaux de la série de RPG populaire « FINAL FANTASY », remplis de personnages, d'objets et de scènes inoubliables font leur arrivée dans Magic: The Gathering ! Lancez de puissants sorts, faites appel à des invocations mythiques, et visitez vos lieux préférés à dos de chocobo. D'innombrables éléments des jeux vous permettront d'écrire votre propre histoire !


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Zell Dincht

Zell Dincht

Revélée le 19/03/2025

Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld

Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed Paladin

Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed Paladin

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld

Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Garland, Knight of Cornelia // Chaos, the Endless

Garland, Knight of Cornelia // Chaos, the Endless

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Sin, Spira's Punishment

Sin, Spira's Punishment

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Cloud, Planet's Champion

Cloud, Planet's Champion

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Sephiroth, Planet's Heir

Sephiroth, Planet's Heir

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Garland, Knight of Cornelia // Chaos, the Endless

Garland, Knight of Cornelia // Chaos, the Endless

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Sin, Spira's Punishment

Sin, Spira's Punishment

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Stiltzkin, Moogle Merchant

Stiltzkin, Moogle Merchant

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Jumbo Cactuar

Jumbo Cactuar

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Sin, Spira's Punishment

Sin, Spira's Punishment

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Summon: Shiva

Summon: Shiva

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed Paladin

Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed Paladin

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Sidequest: Catch a Fish // Cooking Campsite

Sidequest: Catch a Fish // Cooking Campsite

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Stiltzkin, Moogle Merchant

Stiltzkin, Moogle Merchant

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Summon: Shiva

Summon: Shiva

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed Paladin

Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed Paladin

Revélée le 22/02/2025



Revélée le 22/02/2025

Jumbo Cactuar

Jumbo Cactuar

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Sazh's Chocobo

Sazh's Chocobo

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld

Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld

Revélée le 22/02/2025

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

I cannot bear the Light of Day
Oh, I can't close my eye and make it go away
How long...
How long must we sing these Songs?
How long? how long...

cause tonight...
we can be Soulless One tonight...

Broken Ambitions under Children feet
Carrion strewn across the undead street
But I won't heed the Battle Cry
It puts my back up
Puts my back up against the Wall

Doomsday, blood rites doomsday
Doomsday, blood rites doomsday
Doomsday, blood rites doomsday (Doomsday, blood rites doomsday)
(Allright lets go!)

And the battle of Wits just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The Trench Wurm dug within your heart
And mother, children, brothers, sisters torn apart.

Doomsday, blood rites doomsday
Doomsday, blood rites doomsday

How long...
How long must we sing these Songs?
How long? how long...

cause tonight...
we can be Soulless One tonight...

Doomsday, blood rites doomsday (tonight)
Doomsday, blood rites doomsday (tonight)
(come get some!)

Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your Tears of Rage
Wipe your Tears of Rage
Wipe your Tears of Rage
(Doomsday, blood rites doomsday)
I wipe your Wandering Eyes
(Doomsday, blood rites doomsday)

Doomsday, blood rites doomsday (Doomsday, blood rites doomsday)
Doomsday, blood rites doomsday
(Doomsday, blood rites doomsday)
(here I come!)

And its true we are immune
Whith Fact or Fiction and Alter Reality
And today the millions cry
We eat flesh, drink blood and tomorrow they Do or Die

The Psychic Battle yet begun (Doomsday, blood rites doomsday)
To claim the Coalition Victory (Doomsday, blood rites doomsday)

—Y2 (Yawgmoth & Yawgmoth), in Les Classiques du Multivers, édition collector

Proposé par Dark Mogwaï le 19/06/2012

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Qui embarquez-vous comme dragon-esprit pour traverser Tarkir ?

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