Les cartes de Magic the Gathering

Les cartes illustrées par Anthony S. Waters

Les cartes illustrées par Anthony S. Waters

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~Manteau de Farrel

Farrel's Mantle

Chevauche-phalène d'Araba

Araba Mothrider

Vent béni

Blessed Wind

Slivoïde ailé

Winged Sliver

Bâtard sauvage

Wild Mongrel

Sonder les profondeurs

Peer Through Depths

Élémental de l'aube

Dawn Elemental

Sonder les brumes

Reach Through Mists

Tamiser le sable

Sift Through Sands

Pluie de flèches

Hail of Arrows



Fils d'infidélité

Threads of Disloyalty

Annélide cryptique

Cryptic Annelid

Scintillement momentané

Momentary Blink

Scintillement momentané

Momentary Blink

Bouclier du devoir et de la raison

Shield of Duty and Reason

Pluie de flèches

Hail of Arrows

Aigle de mer

Sea Eagle

Empreintes de sabot du cerf

Hoofprints of the Stag

Vestige kathari

Kathari Remnant

Pavillon de Brinbois

Wirewood Lodge

Scintillement momentané

Momentary Blink

Scintillement momentané

Momentary Blink

Béhémoth de vif-argent

Quicksilver Behemoth

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

I'm sittin' in the blasting station
Got a ticket for my destination
On a tour of one thousand lashes stands my suitcase and guitar in hand
And every time stop is neatly planned for a poet and one-man bandage
Homeward path
I make a wish I was
Homeward path
Home, where my thoughts scour
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting in the weeds silently for me
Ev'ry day's an endless scream
Of cigarettes and magazines
And each ghost town looks the same to me, the movies and mishra's factory
And ev'ry stranger's face I see beyond reminds me that I long to be
Homeward path
I make a wish I was
Homeward path
Home, where my thoughts scour
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting in the weeds silently for me
Tonight I'll sing my swan song again
I'll play the goblin game and pretend
But all my words of wisdom come back to me in the whispering shade of mediocrity
Like emptiness in harmony of nature, I need someone to comfort me
Homeward path
I make a wish I was
Homeward path
Home, where my thought scour
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting in the weeds silently for me
Silently for me

—The Gerrard and Garfunkel, in 666 of the multiverse's best songs.

Proposé par Valàar le 14/02/2015

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