Les cartes de Magic the Gathering

Les cartes illustrées par Konstantin Porubov

Les cartes illustrées par Konstantin Porubov

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Guenaude du tourment éternel

Hag of Ceaseless Torment

Guenaude de la contrainte obscure

Hag of Dark Duress

Guenaude de la légion de la mort

Hag of Death's Legion

Guenaude de la faiblesse intérieure

Hag of Inner Weakness

Guenaude du destin du mage

Hag of Mage's Doom

Guenaude des cauchemars délétères

Hag of Noxious Nightmares

Guenaude des pensées érodées

Hag of Scoured Thoughts

Guenaude du souffle siphonné

Hag of Syphoned Breath

Guenaude des visions perverties

Hag of Twisted Visions

Intercesseur de la milice d'albâtre

Alabaster Host Intercessor

Sanctificatrice de la milice d'albâtre

Alabaster Host Sanctifier

~Cavalerie chevauche-phalène

Mothrider Cavalry

~Ogre hurlesouffle

Bellowsbreath Ogre

~Pêcheur infatigable

Tireless Angler

~Gutmorn, servant lié au pacte

Gutmorn, Pactbound Servant

Adieu valeureux

Valiant Farewell

~Meneur de goule vétéran

Veteran Ghoulcaller

L'assemblée du Sablier

The Hourglass Coven

Assimiler l'essence

Assimilate Essence

~Chef de l'arrière-pays

Hinterland Chef

Dose hypnotisante

Mesmerizing Dose

Regard annihilateur

Annihilating Glare

Pomme croqueuse

Candy Grapple

Gladiatrice décharnée

Fleshless Gladiator

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To collect them is my real test,
To win with 'em is my cause.
I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
For Magic cards to understand
The power that's inside

Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
Its you 'gainst me
I know its our destiny
All of 'em, I have to beat
In a world I must defeat
Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
With a deck so true
My talent will pull me through
Mess with me and I'll teach you
Ma-gic ca~rds,
gotta get 'em all

Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Gotta go, the time is right
There's no better pack
One-on-One I'll win the fight
With my last attack

Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
Its you 'gainst me
I know its our destiny.
All of 'em, I have to beat
In a world I must defeat
Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all)
With a deck so true
My talent will pull me through
Mess with me and I'll teach you
Ma-gic ca~rds,
gotta get 'em all x2

Magic cards!

—Magic cards, (gotta get 'em all), in les Grands Classiques du Multivers, édition collector

Proposé par falcon_crest le 31/12/2013

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Dans quelle communauté faut-il piocher pour recruter de bons assassins ?

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