Infos - Magic the Gathering



MaRo nous a avoué dans une interview les types de créatures sur Alara, ainsi qu'une description de chaque écharde..."Our creative team went way over the top to really flesh o...

  Les Eclats d'Alara / Annonce

MaRo nous a avoué dans une interview les types de créatures sur Alara, ainsi qu'une description de chaque écharde..."Our creative team went way over the top to really flesh o...

  Les Eclats d'Alara / Annonce


le , par Quentin

MaRo nous a avoué dans une interview les types de créatures sur Alara, ainsi qu'une description de chaque écharde...

"Our creative team went way over the top to really flesh out each of these five worlds, give them their own distinct flavor and feeling. The story of Shards of Alara is that there was this plane, called Alara, that was a very good, rich source of mana, and someone or something shattered the world, so that it split into five different shards. And when that happened each of five shards was completely cut off from two colors of mana.

So in Bant, you have a primarily white world that does have blue and green mana, so it has three colors of magic, but citizens of Bant have never seen fire magic, and have never seen necromancy. And you can imagine a world cut off from those colors for hundreds of years has evolved to be a very utopian society but also a very orderly society. So you have knights, you have angels, you have aven, you have rocs, you have a pretty peaceful society for the most part. Combat when it does happen is very chivalrous and honorable and generally takes place between heroes from each side, and is very ceremonial.

And the total opposite is true of Grixis, which is the plane that is totally cut off from green or white mana. So there is no access to life mana there. So what few humans that are there eek out an existence where they are constantly on the run from necromancers that want to steal their life energy to fuel their spells. It is a world that is a horrible place to live if you are a human being because the land is almost like rotting flesh. It's just a world of decay. It's filled with demons, vampires, goblins, skeletons... you name it, if it's horrible it lives in Grixis.

Similarly in Junt, that's the primarily red world, it's a world of chaos and fire. It's a very rough world to have to eek out an existence, so the humans there are very barbaric. And there's a very strict food chain that is topped by the dragons. So they're the apex predators, and the rest of the time the other creatures on Junt try to avoid them.

Naya is the primarily green world, it is a very bountiful world, it is cut off from black and blue. It's a very hedonistic society. There are elves, cat people, and humans, as well as very big creatures ... beasts.

And then there is Esper, the primarily blue world,that is cut off from red and green. So it's a very orderly society that is focused on measuring things, and preoccupied with knowledge and wisdom. In the art you can see even the clouds are measured in Esper.

Et une info des plus déconcertantes :

"And it also gave us a really good opportunity to preview Shards of Alara, and Hellkite Overlord, which will be a mythic rare."

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