Garde des profondeurs de Karsus - L'invasion des machines - Carte Magic the Gathering

Garde des profondeurs de Karsus
(Karsus Depthguard)

Garde des profondeurs de Karsus
(Karsus Depthguard)

Invasion de Tarkir
Lancier à sortilège khenra

Indice de popularité :


Acheter sur Magic Corporation

Nom :

Garde des profondeurs de Karsus

Coût :

CCM : 3

Type / sous-type :
Créature : viashino et guerrier
Rareté :


Texte :
Tant que la force du Garde des profondeurs de Karsus est supérieure ou égale à 5, il peut attaquer comme s'il n'avait pas le défenseur.

Il tint bon dans les Profondeurs réfléchissantes, son rugissement de défi se répercutant dans des milliers de reflets cristallins.

Force / Endurance: 4/3

Illustrateur :  Tyler Jacobson

Numéro de collection : MOM 150/300

Date de sortie : 21/04/2023

Liens externes :  


L'invasion des machines

Autorisations en tournois :



Karsus Depthguard

Creature — Viashino Warrior

As long as Karsus Depthguard's power is 5 or greater, it can attack as though it didn't have defender.

He stood his ground in the Mirrored Depths, his roar of defiance echoed by a thousand crystalline reflections.

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

Down in the vaults of the men who are gone
Elspeth would rest with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most

Born with the spark on an invaded plane,
She saw all her beloved been slain
She planeswalked away to seek a peaceful place
To forget all her sorrow and pain

And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave

Called as the hero she did not want to be
She still raised to protect her new home
On Bant, Mirrodin then Theros she fought
'Til her glorious fate and her fall

And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave

And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave.

Down in the vaults of the men who are gone
Elspeth would rest with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most

Florence + The Omen Machine - "Elspeht of Oldstones"

Proposé par Vanillax le 11/07/2019

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Que des petites frappes à Croisetonnerre. Quel·le hors-la-loi aurait dû trainer ses bottes là-bas ?

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