[PCD] - [DGM] Rakdos Revelry
[PCD] - [DGM] Rakdos Revelry
Description en anglais :
Exava has taken command of an entire band of crazed Rakdos cultists, and that's a sure sign that some serious carnage is about to occur. With the "Rakdos Revelry" deck, you'll get to share in the fun, attacking at practically every opportunity. Many of your Rakdos creatures have the unleash mechanic, which lets you trade a creature's ability to block for a permanent boost to its power and toughness. Who wants to block? Not you!
If your opponent builds up a horde of blockers, it might be time to hold back your Rakdos party, but only temporarily. Awe for the Guilds will stop a huge portion of your opponent's creatures from blocking at all, and Morgue Burst returns one of your dead creatures to your hand while killing off a creature in the process—or dealing the finishing blow to your opponent!
Toil & Trouble gives you a smorgasbord of possibilities. As with any "split card," you can choose to cast either one half or the other, but the new fuse mechanic lets you have both effects if you can pay for them. A black spell like Toil is usually cast targeting yourself for the extra cards, but 2 life plus another 2 life... ? It's tempting.
0 0 4875
Description en anglais :
Exava has taken command of an entire band of crazed Rakdos cultists, and that's a sure sign that some serious carnage is about to occur. With the 'Rakdos Revelry' deck, you'll get to share in the fun, attacking at practically every opportunity. Many of your Rakdos creatures have the unleash mechanic, which lets you trade a creature's ability to block for a permanent boost to its power and toughness. Who wants to block? Not you!
If your opponent builds up a hord... Plus !
Description en anglais :
Exava has taken command of an entire band of crazed Rakdos cultists, and that's a sure sign that some serious carnage is about to occur. With the "Rakdos Revelry" deck, you'll get to share in the fun, attacking at practically every opportunity. Many of your Rakdos creatures have the unleash mechanic, which lets you trade a creature's ability to block for a permanent boost to its power and toughness. Who wants to block? Not you!
If your opponent builds up a horde of blockers, it might be time to hold back your Rakdos party, but only temporarily. Awe for the Guilds will stop a huge portion of your opponent's creatures from blocking at all, and Morgue Burst returns one of your dead creatures to your hand while killing off a creature in the process—or dealing the finishing blow to your opponent!
Toil & Trouble gives you a smorgasbord of possibilities. As with any "split card," you can choose to cast either one half or the other, but the new fuse mechanic lets you have both effects if you can pay for them. A black spell like Toil is usually cast targeting yourself for the extra cards, but 2 life plus another 2 life... ? It's tempting.
Les cartes (60)
Créature(s) (25)
2 | Drakôn de Rakdos | 1/2 | Créature : drakôn | ||
2 | Faucheur des quartiers pauvres | 4/2 | Créature : horreur | ||
3 | Indolent des égouts | 2/2 | Créature : zombie et rat | ||
1 | Sinistre homme à tout faire | 1/1 | Créature : squelette et guerrier | ||
2 | Agresseur minotaure | 6/2 | Créature : minotaure et berserker | ||
2 | Gardiens des portes des Fonderies | 2/4 | Créature : humain et guerrier | ||
1 | Géant rixesang | 4/3 | Créature : géant | ||
2 | Gobelin des rues | 2/2 | Créature : gobelin et shamane | ||
3 | Piquier d'émeute | 2/1 | Créature : gobelin et berserker | ||
2 | Bouffon à piques | 3/1 | Créature : gobelin et guerrier | ||
2 | Engeance de Rix Maadi | 5/3 | Créature : horreur | ||
1 | Exava, sorcière sanguinaire de Rakdos | 3/3 | Créature légendaire : humain et clerc | ||
2 | Gladiateur du carnage | 4/2 | Créature : squelette et guerrier |
Rituel(s) (4)
1 | Émerveillement pour les guildes | Rituel | |||
2 | Explosion de la morgue | Rituel | |||
1 | Peine // Trouble | Rituel |
Éphémère(s) (1)
1 | Punir l'ennemi | Éphémère |
Enchantement(s) (2)
1 | Possession sinistre | Enchantement : aura | |||
1 | Festival du Ravage | Enchantement |
Artefact(s) (2)
2 | Pierre indiciale de Rakdos | Artefact |
Terrain(s) (26)
12 | Marais | Terrain de base : marais | |||
10 | Montagne | Terrain de base : montagne | |||
4 | Porte de la guilde de Rakdos | Terrain : porte |
Créature(s) (25)
Rituel(s) (4)
Éphémère(s) (1)
Enchantement(s) (2)
Artefact(s) (2)
Terrain(s) (26)
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