Les cartes de Magic the Gathering

Les cartes illustrées par Harry Conway

Les cartes illustrées par Harry Conway

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Non-vie phyrexiane

Phyrexian Unlife | 0.32 €

Cimetière surpeuplé

Oversold Cemetery | 0.47 €

Lien sanguin

Sanguine Bond | 1.48 €

Sacres vampiriques

Vampiric Rites | 0.15 €

Manteau de dragon

Dragon Mantle | 0.07 €

Émancipation ardente

Fiery Emancipation | 5.1 €

Soulèvement de Garruk

Garruk's Uprising | 0.51 €

Garruk's Uprising // Garruk's Uprising

Garruk's Uprising // Garruk's Uprising

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

Notably, the part of myriad that makes you exile the creature tokens at end of combat is a triggered ability. This means that the ability will trigger, but you won't exile the tokens when it resolves. Since the tokens also have myriad, attacking with each of them will cause that myriad ability to trigger, causing the Master to, well . . . multiply.
— Perle de l'Oracle, The Master, Multiplied

Proposé par Dark Mogwaï le 06/12/2023

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