Les cartes de Magic the Gathering

Les cartes de Miklós Ligeti

Les cartes de Miklós Ligeti

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Texte d'ambiance :
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Conversion des nanogènes

Nanogene Conversion

Hanteur des Marais des Morts

Haunt of the Dead Marshes

La ville de la mort

City of Death

Serment de l'Ost Gris

Oath of the Grey Host

Les Démons des mers

The Sea Devils

Pillage sans foi

Faithless Looting

Vieil Homme-Saule

Old Man Willow

Talisman de dominance

Talisman of Dominance

Revélée le 05/10/2023

Verger exotique

Exotic Orchard

Revélée le 05/10/2023

Lithoforce usée

Worn Powerstone



Bassins fétides

Fetid Pools

Revélée le 15/10/2023

[Jeton] Extraterrestre et Salamandre

[Token] Alien Salamander

Le Dark Mogwaï

Retrouvez le Dark Mogwaï et la communauté des Magiciens Fous sur :

Imagine there's no Heaven's Gate
It's easy if you try
No hellfire below us
Above us only shifting sky
Imagine all the cave people
Living end for today...

Imagine there's no countryside crusher
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to do or die for
And no renewed faith too
Imagine all the cave people
Living death in peace...

You may say I'm Intet, the Dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join the ranks
And the worldfire will be as one

Imagine no psychic possession
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger of the nim
A knighthood of man
Imagine all the cave people
Sharing all the worldslayer...

You may say I'm Intet, the Dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join join the ranks
And the worldfire will live as one

John Les nonnes - "Imadjinn aux souhaits"

Proposé par gaborzak le 13/02/2015

Le sondage du bas d'en bas de la page
Que des petites frappes à Croisetonnerre. Quel·le hors-la-loi aurait dû trainer ses bottes là-bas ?

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