Quelques images - Magic the Gathering

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Quelques images

Images "mirranes" :Hero of Bladehold :  Once inside the gate, Captain Ria Ivor expected the worst. Some bloody visage like they had seen on the road. But the streets were completel...

  Mirrodin assiégé / Annonce

Images "mirranes" :Hero of Bladehold :  Once inside the gate, Captain Ria Ivor expected the worst. Some bloody visage like they had seen on the road. But the streets were completel...

  Mirrodin assiégé / Annonce


le , par Thorgor

Images "mirranes" :

Hero of Bladehold :



Once inside the gate, Captain Ria Ivor expected the worst. Some bloody visage like they had seen on the road. But the streets were completely deserted, and the eerie calm was disturbing even to her. She searched the faces of her three young soldiers. She could tell they were at the breaking point.

“Draw your swords,” Captain Ivor told them gruffly. “There is no way but forward.” 



Koth's Courier :


“The sight of the Phyrexian beasts sickens me. They crawled out of the depths of our world – a parasite that steals our flesh and our minds and our souls. I want to fight back. The core of my soul screams at me to lash out, and it takes all of my strength to ignore that shrieking compulsion, because I have a mission. Koth has tasked me with finding survivors in the Tangle. If there are any Sylvok or Viridians left in this forest, I will find you, and bring you to safety, to the tunnels below Kuldotha. 



Titan Forge :



As the Phyrexians seemed to flow unchecked from beneath the earth’s surface, their numbers continued to grow as Mirrans were taken and corrupted above. To counter this almost exponential growth, the Oxiddan tribes united to build forges to construct titan golems free of biological contamination that the Phyrexians could corrupt. 



Images "phyrexianes" :

Bonehoard :



"I am damaged beyond repair and so they have left me. The lion-man who did this, he is left here too. I watched the life in him disappear and I prayed to the Father of Machines. I prayed that he would let me serve him still. His blessing comes crawling now, for both of us."

–Ingrulich, Exarch of Jin-Gitaxias




Sphinx consacré : 


Dans les moments de calme, l'esprit du sphinx vagabonde. Il se rappelle s'être terré dans une région inconnue de la Mer de Vif-argent pendant un temps infini... mais de qui, ou de quoi avait-il si peur ? Il n'arrive pas à se souvenir. Ceci étant, la menace a disparu et il a émergé, pour trouver un monde qui avait subi un bouleversement. Un monde en proie à des théories nouvelles, des perspectives sombres et séduisantes à la fois, des pensées qu'il fit siennes.


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Prince Démon | Hauts-de-Seine
Ne marchez pas sur les bosquérissons. Mangez des homoncules. Laissez-vous pousser les tentacules.

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